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만두 (2)
2012-12-16 01:00:42

3번국도 이천쪽으로 가다보면 길가에 있는 "신바람난 찐빵" 이집 찐빵과 만두 정말 맛있다. 


softroom  15:10 foursquare
찐빵과 만두 먹자 (@ 신바람난 찐빵) [pic]: http://t.co/ElXvVzsU
softroom  17:40 HootSuite
"Accident, n.: A condition in which presence of mind is good, but absence of body is better." - Unknown - http://t.co/pJZV79MK
softroom  17:40 HootSuite
"Parents were invented to make children happy by giving them something to ignore." - Ogden Nash - http://t.co/QqIzwojq
softroom  17:40 HootSuite
"Humor is everywhere, in that there's irony in just about anything a human does." - Bill Nye - http://t.co/kEJ8MeWa
softroom  17:40 HootSuite
"TV is chewing gum for the eyes." - Frank Lloyd Wright - http://t.co/NDn2vNsV
softroom  22:16 Instagram
이거 꽤 짭짤한데 @ 충주 문화회관 http://t.co/EfwBdJvq
트위터 소셜 포털 SNS페이지(http://www.snspage.com)

2011-02-16 00:05:10
  • @5zzang @jscho0922 @doit55 오짱은 오늘 하루종일 만구구나! 2-15 23:42 #
  • 마음의소리 :: 네이버 만화 http://ow.ly/3WCWv - 초사이안 2-15 19:40 #
  • LoudTwitter는 요즘 문제가 있나보다. 2-15 19:9 #