순간을 잡아두자 .. RSS 태그 관리 글쓰기 방명록 butteryoon+tistory@gmail.com
2013-02-01 01:00:16

Google Form을 이용한 데이타 입력, 장애이력이나 개발 Issue를 등록 할 때 쓸 수 있겠다. 

softroom  11:32 HootSuite
FUCKING LOVE THIS! - ASWRC&MV - http://t.co/Hma3m9WI
softroom  12:00 Buffer
연말정산간소화 서비스 접속해보니 ActiveX 정말 싫다. :: 오픈웹, 올브라우저 사이트 오픈: 김기창, “사용자와 개발자 가교 역할 하고싶다” http://t.co/jFRSsalZ via @feedly
softroom  12:06 Buffer
우분투OS와 파폭OS에 이어 크롬 OS 까지 나오면 재미있겠네 "파이어폭스 O/S가 탑재된 개발자 버젼 스마트폰 Keon, Peak 공개" http://t.co/nEiiGVsE good read
softroom  13:03 HootSuite
Niceness! - Frisky Beats - these_nights - http://t.co/YjYQdcLb
softroom  13:03 HootSuite
Man. You got a niiice vibe. - Frisky Beats - Flower Bomb - http://t.co/FVmJMWkG
softroom  14:46 HootSuite
hey microtea! our pleasure-thanks for listening, as always... you're still our superfan (along with @The_leO) - Natural Sugar (You've Got...
softroom  14:46 HootSuite
@lamarhoagland: haha, glad you dig! - Natural Sugar (You've Got It) - http://t.co/5nlLHQQg
softroom  14:46 HootSuite
@FredSteres: thank you - Natural Sugar (You've Got It) - http://t.co/5nlLHQQg
softroom  14:46 HootSuite
@itshaptic: riight on - Natural Sugar (You've Got It) - http://t.co/5nlLHQQg
softroom  14:46 HootSuite
@FredSteres: thanks! wanted it to set the tone - Natural Sugar (You've Got It) - http://t.co/5nlLHQQg
softroom  17:06 Buffer
정형화된 입력을 받는 설문이나 여러사용자가 공유하면서 엑셀시트처럼 사용하고 싶을때 유용 :: google form :: http://t.co/2uszXiM0 good read
softroom  17:41 HootSuite
"I believe that professional wrestling is clean and everything else in the world is fixed." - Frank Deford - http://t.co/PuFQKBqu
softroom  17:41 HootSuite
"Physicists like to think that all you have to do is say, these are the conditions, now what happens next?" - Richard Feynman -...
softroom  17:41 HootSuite
"If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater, suggest that he wear a tail." - Fran Lebowitz - http://t.co/RbctEP2K
softroom  17:41 HootSuite
"Men live in a fantasy world. I know this because I am one, and I actually receive my mail there." - Scott Adams - http://t.co/V3xSxc2a
softroom  19:02 HootSuite
well.. fuck michael dell! - John Lilly - White Space is Everywhere - http://t.co/OkkrMJsR
softroom  19:58 Buffer
메모리 관리 성능 개선이라 :: "VC++(10 이후)에서 동적 메모리 할당과 해제 성능 개선" http://t.co/B8YW1GwN good read
softroom  23:23 HootSuite
gut! - Gusgus - Demo 121 - http://t.co/UEw8sl3E
softroom  23:23 HootSuite
vibess - Close 2 Me - http://t.co/7kZ3INGP
softroom  23:23 HootSuite
mad love - Jakwob - Fade (Featuring Maiday) - http://t.co/DFPkuj8W
트위터 소셜 포털 SNS페이지(http://www.snspage.com)